Print suggestions for Cyber Week!
Commencing Monday November 26th (aka Cyber Monday- the first Monday to occur after Thanksgiving), Cyber Week is a US retail tradition that has made its way onto our shores in recent years.
Online businesses large and small slash their prices for a week, much to the excitement of shopaholics and bargain hunters nationwide who count down to this occasion with more interpretation than Christmas. After all, who doesn't love a bargain?
As a retailer, this occasion is a great way to ramp up sales and revenue. In fact, if you don't participate in Cyber Week, we'd go as far as to say that that would be at your detriment.
Print suggestions for Cyber Week
Whether you own a business that is purely online, or you operate as both an online and high street retailer, we have some suggestions as to how we can help you pull in the pennies during this retail holiday.
- Leaflets and Flyers - It may seem a little peculiar that we are suggesting that you utilise traditional print methods of marketing during an online event but hear us out. Regardless of where the sale takes place, people are more likely to pay attention to items that they receive through their letterboxes and thus physically have in their hands, than just an irritating internet ad that pops up and they immediately absentmindedly click away from, paying no mind to what it actually said. Leaflets and flyers have a longer marketing lifeline too - since customers are likely to store them on their coffee table or notice board for future reference.
- Banners - Many businesses operate as both a website and a retail store. If that is the case for you, then you have additional advertising options available at your fingertips by way of promoting from your premises. As an example, banners are a great way of grabbing the attention of those that pass by. Banners are that little bit more influential than promotional posters and will help you to tempt even more customers to come inside!
- Promotional Posters - If you also own retail premises then you can shout from the rooftops about the excellent deals you will be providing on Cyber Week ... Or you know, just stick a promotional poster in your store window! If you do not own your own premises then promotional posters are still a great idea and they can be displayed in public areas where potential customers are likely to frequent.
- Mailers - Have your previous customers feel like you're letting them in on the hot news about your Cyber Week deals first by sending out personalised mailers. Not only is direct marketing great, it will make your customers feel valued that you notified them about the sales first.
Why choose FilePrint for your Cyber Week printing needs?
Whether you are accustomed to ordering print products online, or you are completely new to celebrating Cyber Week, our print service is extremely user-friendly and easy to use. We seamlessly connect our printers with internet users nationwide, therefore making it possible for customers to select designs for their Cyber Week, and place orders with just a couple of clicks.
Whether you already know what you would like your Cyber Week print products to look like, or you need assistance, we are here to help you every step of the way. With an array of colour schemes and styles available via our site, you will certainly not be stuck for ideas for designing your Cyber Week print products!
When you choose us for creating your Cyber Week print products you are guaranteed quality. Our products are professionally printed with care and with a sleek, high quality appearance in mind. Our customer's orders for Cyber Week are processed and shipped usually within 24 hours so that your print products will be on your doorstep in no time. So what are you waiting for?
We offer free templates to create and print your documents online. We can even create bespoke templates for you. Alternatively, upload your own designs in PDF format. We can handle files any size up to A0 and of any number of pages, offering many different paper and impositions options.