Our Terms and Conditions explain what you can expect from our service and what we promise to deliver. Please familiarise yourself with them before ordering. You may also want to refer to our Privacy Policy.
We do not take any responsibility for material uploaded by our users. As our site is fully automated we do not check all documents uploaded. Still we reserve the right to remove or refuse to print any inappropriate material, including (without limitation) material which is:
By uploading documents to our service you confirm you have the right to print them.
IMAGES: Resolution: 300 DPI is ideal. Some applications create unoptimized PDFs which can cause printing problems, before uploading it is well worth optimizing your PDF. Our preferred PDF Standard if PDF/X-1a.
FONTS: Fonts should be embedded in PDF files.
Please note that:
SAFE AREA: We strongly advise that any important content such as text or logos should be at least 5mm from the edge of your design. This is known as the safe area (this is particularly important on small documents such as business cards).
BLEED: If the design on your document runs to the edge of the sheet, we request that you supply the pdf with bleed. The purpose of bleed is to eliminate the possibility of unintended white edges appearing on printed documents. If documents with designs intended to run to the edge of the sheet are supplied for printing without bleed, we will not accept responsibility for reprint costs due to printing and guillotining tolerances leaving thin white edges on the final printed job. Adding bleed involves creating your document and saving your pdf file a measured amount larger than your desired final size. We advise 3mm. You must then specify your bleed amount in the ADVANCED tab of the setup section, after your document is uploaded. e.g. If your document is A4 (210 x 297mm) and your design runs to the edge we request that you supply the file at a size of 216 x 303mm and extend your design to the outer edge of the bleed size. Then specify the bleed amount as 3mm in the advanced tab of the job setup. The reason we add bleed to documents is to compensate for variation in the job position on the sheets during the printing process and also a tolerance of +/- 1.5mm in the guillotining process. Please contact our support team for further advice about bleed.
We offer a range of document templates which can be customised by users. Each template has pre-set printing options like paper and imposition settings. You will be asked to confirm these before you add your document to the shopping cart. The Template Preview button on the top of each template form, enables viewing the document that will be submitted to print. Please ensure that you are happy with the layout of the document before you save it to your document library.
If you need something by a specific date, make sure that you either select the guaranteed courier delivery OR place the order well in advance. Please make sure to contact us by email or by phone and confirm the dispatch time. We typically dispatch orders on the day of receipt (normal working days Monday to Friday). Orders received after noon, may be dispatched the following working day.
Orders sent out by selected delivery method will typically reach you within following times:
For the vast majority of orders, we deliver in time or even ahead of the set ETAs. Still please note that ETAs are 'estimated' time of arrivals and consequently they cannot be guaranteed for a number of reasons. For example, they do not take into consideration bank holidays, neither can they predict delays due to weather conditions or other unexpected circumstances.
We calculate ETAs based on the time of the day you place an order. We typically dispatch orders the same day, if you place an order before noon. Depending on the delivery method you selected and the finishing options required we may add additional processing time. If the ETA falls on a Saturday or Sunday, then we set the ETA to the following Monday. You can follow your order using the reporting tool which offers updates regarding the progress of the order. Once orders are dispatched, it is the responsibility of your chosen courier to deliver on time.
We need to allow up to 7 days for delivery by Royal Mail. Courier deliveries are delivered the next working day (Mon – Fri) and are dispatched only on weekdays. For international orders allow 2 weeks from the dispatch day. If your order has not arrived within the time frames mentioned above, please contact us.
Our Promise: We want to deliver excellent quality for all customers. If we do not get it right first time, we want to know about it so that we can then do something about it and ensure you are left satisfied with your order. Any quality issues should be raised with our customer support team within 3 days from the delivery date. Re-prints will not normally be authorised after this period.
Please note that ETA is only an estimated calculation which doesn't take into consideration bank holidays and other public holidays etc. Although the ETA is typically accurate we cannot guarantee delivery times, as this is the responsibility of the selected courier. If you have an urgent job please contact us in advance of placing the order to confirm a delivery date.
Dispatched orders: We need to allow up to 7 days for delivery by Royal Mail. Courier deliveries are delivered the next day; they are dispatched only on weekdays. For international order allow 2 weeks from the dispatch day. If your order is not delivered at that time, please contact us within a week.
If a job has been incorrectly printed or finished, then a single document should be returned to the printer before a re-print can be authorised. This can be done in electronic format (by sending a photograph of the print product by email).
If any documents have been damaged in transit, then each of these documents should be returned for a re-print, provided these have not been our fault.
Our system is fully automated and all orders can only be cancelled if they have not been printed. Please contact us by email or phone with your request, and if possible we will cancel your order and confirm by email.
In cases where the customer has ordered a document incorrectly, for example, by entering the wrong details in the set up section such as number of copies, paper type, imposition type or other setup option errors, we are not liable to cover the cost of re-printing or delivery. However, in most cases we will offer you a discount towards the print cost if you decide to re-print an amended document.