Printing for Trainers

Organising and hosting seminars and workshops - whether corporate, academic, or covering a particular area of interest for hobbyists, typically requires a substantial amount of paperwork and bespoke printing. For example, printed items in the form of the supporting documents and handouts that are distributed to the attendees, documents used by the trainers themselves, and printed documents used to promote and raise awareness about the event. In such a circumstance, working with a professional print company can make life a lot easier since it guarantees that your documents will be high quality, possess a professional appearance, and will be free from print issues such as run off, etc. Below, we've summarised some of the print products that we believe to be particularly useful for those hosting seminars or training sessions.

Trainers: Trainers Online printing: A4/A3/A2/A1, PDF, documents, posters, calendars, canvases, photos - At FilePrint we value your custom and aspire to deliver excellent print quality. Order now!


Spiral binding

Trainers will typically work their way through a sequence of activities, scenarios and topics during their seminars and presentations as the attendees follow along with them. The most practical and manageable way of working through these documents is to join them all together with spiral binding. This not only prevents loose documents getting lost, but it ensures that everything is kept together for easy referencing later on. Spiral binding looks much more professional than simply stapling pages together, and yet remains very affordable.

Business documents

Depending on the specific nature of the seminar or training event that is occurring, business documents may be relevant. For example, perhaps a sequence of training seminars are taking place to welcome new employees to an organisation, it is likely that the trainer will need to distribute several documents for use later - for example, emergency contact forms, pension plan forms, etc. Not only can a professional print company like ours assist and provide guidance in selecting a specific template for these forms, we also offer an economical rate for bulk printing.

Business cards

Any professional individual will be at a detriment within their industry if they choose not to have business cards professionally created. With us, you can opt for a design that is the perfect embodiment of you and your services. In a corporate training or seminar scenario, handing out business cards ensures that your attendees have all of your contact information - something that could lead to further business opportunities. If the training that you are providing is part of a company induction then people may ask for the contact names, numbers and details of several important representatives from around the company - i.e. someone from Human Resources, someone from Payroll, etc. Having business cards makes giving out this contact information much easier and has no potential for error, unlike as compared to simply writing numbers down on a whiteboard or scrap of paper.


An official, printed invitation is a nice touch when it comes to corporate training events and will make attendees feel more appreciated and important than a digital email invite. With countless templates available, we have plenty of options for you to choose your perfect invitation.

Promotional posters

Promotional posters can be useful in the professional sense in that they can be displayed at the entrance to seminars or lecture halls and contain details of the daily training schedules. They could also be displayed in relevant places to raise awareness of the event prior to its occurrence. For example, if you are a Trainer that is holding seminars on bookkeeping, you may benefit, and increase attendance by displaying a promotional poster about the event in the town hall, the local library and the job centre.

Why print with us?

When it comes to placing orders for your print product requirements, the process has never been easier than when making a purchase with us! Our system seamlessly connects internet users across the country with our printers so you can so everything (select templates, customise designs and make purchases) from the comfort of your home! We pride ourselves on being a friendly bunch and so, whatever queries you may have about your print needs, we are on hand to assist. The best part about all or this? We typically process all of the orders we receive in less than 24 hours, meaning the print documents you need for your training sessions will be with you in next to no time!

Templates: TRAINERS

We offer free templates to create and print your documents online. We can even create bespoke templates for you. Alternatively, upload your own designs in PDF format. We can handle files any size up to A0 and of any number of pages, offering many different paper and impositions options.