FilePrint is now selling on Ebay!

Published: 2009-06-14

FilePrint is now selling on Ebay!

FilePrint has now opened a shop on Ebay. Talking to our customers and particularly our affiliates, we found that many of them are already active ebay sellers. As part of our ongoing commitment to these affiliates, FilePrint has now launched an ebay shop. Why did FilePrint do this?

There are three main reasons:

1. FilePrint will offer free listings to all our affiliates, this will increase their market reach and increase sales.
2. FilePrint want to extend the product set of our affiliates by offering additional products, such as Photo Canvas, Calendars and so on. FilePrint are about to launch these products ‘on trial’ in the FilePrint shop.
3. FilePrint intends to share ‘best practice’ across our affiliates. The FilePrint affiliate community is very diverse in skills, product and ebay ability.

FilePrint intends to ‘raise everybody’s game’ to maximize all of our sales. FilePrint also intends to link to the affiliates products from the main FilePrint website. Whilst FilePrint delivers a very friendly and easy to use printing service, there are still many customers who simply do not have the skills to produce their own artwork. By offering our affiliates’ products, many of which are created on demand, we can be sure that all our customer’s requirements are fulfilled.